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59. Copper-Catalyzed Highly Stereospecific Trifluoromethylation and Difluoroalkylation of Secondary Propargyl Sulfonates 

Xing Gao, Yu-Lan Xiao, Xiaolong Wan, and Xingang Zhang*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 3187-3191

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58. Palladium-Catalyzed Heck-Type Reaction of Secondary Trifluoromethylated Alkyl Bromides 

Tao Fan, Wei-Dong Meng and Xingang Zhang*

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 201713, 2610

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57. Highly selective nickel-catalyzed gem-difluoropropargylation of unactivated alkylzinc reagents 

Lun An, Chang Xu, and Xingang Zhang* 

Nat. Commun2017, 8, 1460

(This paper was highlighted by Synform, 2018, 03, A36–A39)

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56.Synthesis of 5-pentafluorosulfanyl indazoles

Tao Fan, Wei-Dong Meng, Yu-Lan Xiao, Xingang Zhang*

Tetrahedron Letters 201758, 4473

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55.Visible-Light-Promoted Tandem Difluoroalkylation-Amidation: Access to Difluorooxindoles from Free Anilines 

Ling-Chao YuJi-Wei Gu, Shu Zhang,* and  Xingang Zhang*

J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 3943-3949

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54.Cholorodifluomethane-triggered formation of difluoromethylated arenes catalysed by paladium

Zhang Feng, Qiao-Qiao Min, Xia-Ping Fu, Lun An and Xingang Zhang*

(These authors contributed equally to this work)

(This paper was highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News, 201795, 7 )

(This paper was highlighted by Molecule of the Week, 2017-06-19 )

(This paper was highlighted by Synthfacts, 2017, 9, 918 )

Nature Chem. 20179, 918-923

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53.Access to Difluoromethylene-Skipped 1,4-Diynes with gem-Difluoropropargyl Bromide

Wen-Hao Guo, Zhi-Ji Luo, Wenbin Zeng, and Xingang Zhang

ACS Catal. 20177,  896–901

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52.Tandem Difluoroalkylation-Arylation of Enamides Catalyzed by Nickel

Ji-Wei Gu, Qiao-Qiao Min, Ling-Chao Yu, and Xingang Zhang*

(These authors contributed equally to this work)

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 12270-12274

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51.Carbonylation of Difluoroalkyl Bromides Catalyzed by Palladium

Hai-Yang Zhao, Feng Zhang, Zhiji Luo, Xingang Zhang*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 10401-10405

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50.Brønsted Acid Catalyzed gem-Difluoroallylation of Aldehydes with β-Tosyloxy-γ, γ-Difluroallylboronic Acid Pinacol Ester

Bo Zhang and Xingang Zhang*

Chin. J. Chem. 2016, 34, 477-480

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